For more than 40 years, Filmakers Library has delivered high-quality, issue-based documentaries and independent films from around the world. You can now access more than 1,000 of these titles at Filmakers Library Online, a multidisciplinary collection of streaming video designed specifically for researchers. Internationally known producers such as the National Film Board of Canada and KCTS/Seattle are represented. Also included are the works of hundreds of notable independent film makers worldwide, including Christine Choy, Roger Weisberg, Josh Aronson, David Bradbury, Judith Gleason, Jeremy Levine & Landon Van Soest, Aaron Matthews, Jeffrey O’Connor, Tana Ross, and Taggart Siegel.
Filmakers Library Online includes documentaries that are already heavily used in humanities and social science classrooms—films such as Who Killed Vincent Chin?; Aging Out: Teens Leaving Foster Care; Critical Condition; Dax’s Case: Who Should Decide?; Sound and Fury: The Communication Wars of the Deaf; and Waging a Living.
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