Florida Atlantic University Libraries are introducing SearchWiSE, a search engine that does for the FAU Libraries’ collections what Google does for the Internet.
SearchWiSE uses a single search box to help you discover information in all formats, including print and electronic books, journals and newspapers, videos, CDs and digital collections. All of these formats are integrated into a single results list. Find what you want online, or in the case of physical materials, find where they are located in the FAU Libraries.
The SearchWiSE interface includes facets that allow library users to refine their results. For example, users can target only peer-reviewed items, show only full text articles or include/exclude items such as newspaper articles, books or journals.
Discovering what the FAU Libraries offer has been greatly simplified and amplified because of SearchWiSE. Read more>>
Try SearchWiSE now from the libraries home page or go to www.fau.edu/library/ecollect/searchwise.php.